The Corridor

Capturing sounds of the city

‘The Corridor’ was a community engagement project to record and produce a series of sound poems that relate to different areas of Manchester City Centre.

Seed Studios chair and artist Andrew Hodson started hunting for sounds along ‘The Corridor’ in October 2015. He found sounds which made such an exciting sonic collage that he was inspired to investigate other areas of the city too.

Working alongside Andrew, people from the communities of Trafford went exploring the city, one area at a time, with a handheld recorder that can capture sounds normally out of reach.

Hidden soundscapes

Lucy is just one attendee of ‘Sound explorers’, a Seed Studios group exploring sounds and making recordings for the past few years. They were entranced by the sound poems Andrew created early in the project using The Corridor’s crashes and thuds of tram line construction, chattering crowds of Oxford Road, and unexpected moments of music and nature, and they instantly wanted to join him in curating the city.

Being able to get our microphone into all the nooks and crannies of Manchester has been really fun. We have been discovering a hidden soundscape of a place which has been so familiar to me and this has been really exciting, inspired me to hear the world differently


In partnership with

The Corridor project was a partnership between blueSCI, Seed Studios and FutureEverything. It was funded by Arts Council England.

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